Projects 2024

Projects 2024

In 2024 partnered up with research groups: Civic Interaction Design, Visual Methodologies Collective, and Fashion Research & Technology


Wearable Pride

In a lustrous aquamarine hue, this dress exemplifies the synergy of soft robotics, digital innovation, and heartfelt expression. At its core, an origami-folded flower adorns the stomach, symbolizing intuition. As someone approaches, the flower blooms with radiant light, gently revealing emotion. The back features a peacock-inspired fan that unfurls, celebrating the full spectrum of human feeling. This intricately designed dress, with its technological grace, boldly declares that showing emotions is not a weakness but a profound strength. It invites us to wear our hearts on our sleeves, allowing our feelings to blossom and radiate. This dress transcends fashion; it is a beautiful testament to the power and courage of vulnerability.

Students: Borsche, Alexa, Nikolai, Noah

Wear the world of Queer as the ocean

Wearable Pride

Our team looked at the wonderful pictures made by Carlo De Gaetano, and thought to ourselves, how could we translate those clothes into reality. How would these clothes feel? What would they be made of? And what accessories would they wear with it? Our team made it our mission to answer these questions.

We did experiments with materials that looked like the pictures, what the pictures would feel like, and other non-traditional materials like bio materials. We came to the conclusion that the most of the wearables would need to be normal textile, and details could be made of biomaterial. The key technique that is the heart of our product is crochet. Crochet helps us make unique and sea-like looking shapes. These shapes make up the bulk of both wearables, and create cohesion between the two.

Students: Marc, Eva, Benthe, Firdaouss

Nerissa’s Undersea Realm

Wearable Pride

Dive into our underwater fantasy world, inspired by artworks of Carlo de Gaetano. Glide through the tentacles of the anemone gate, enveloped in the soft, colorful arms of jellyfish. Darkness surrounds you, soft and comforting like being inside your mother’s womb. Suddenly, you see the light at the end of the tunnel and you’re finding yourself inside an enormous cave. As you enter, your gaze is irresistibly drawn to the figure at its center.

You are greeted by queen Nerissa Bioglow. Her presence is majestic as she stretches her neck proudly upwards. She is dressed in biomaterials and fish leather, beautiful treasures she found during her hunting trips. You’re not sure what gender she is because she has elements of both male and female, but you do feel a strong connection to this creature and the longer you look at her, the more you feel intertwined with the queen’s fate

Students: Agnes, Sam, Julia, Ouiam

The Blazing Blazer!

Wearable Pride

A product that helps convey the emotion of anger. With the Blazing Blazer we help make emotions more physically expressive. It’s a blazer that can be worn everywhere, from formal to informal settings. The jacket covered in scales that mimic the look of animals like snakes or other reptiles. The blazer activates when the user crosses their arms in anger. When they do, the scales on the shoulders flare up with the help of a soft robotics construction. This helps to convey the anger of the wearer in a similar way that cats and birds do. All the necessary electronics are fitted in a matching handbag, which includes a battery, making this jacket fully self sufficient, while also looking stylish and being comfortable. A modern look for a modern product.

Students: Mohini, Deniz, Nina, Sybren

The Power of the Sun - An Experience

Wearable Pride

“We’ve created an interactive experience where users can feel and see the sun’s energy in action through mechanical movement. We achieved this with our servo-powered flip-dots and blooming flower, which are brought to life by Solar Energy.
Both artifacts are controlled by an Arduino. Attached to the Arduino, is a photoresistor which captures the light’s intensity. This allows for the artifacts to move at varying ‘modes’ which are directly corrolated to the amount of light available.
To enhance the user experience, we’ve enclosed the flip-dots in a “magic box.” Users can insert their hands into this box to interrupt the sensor and feel the dynamic energy from the moving flipdots. This hands-on interaction vividly demonstrates how light can influence motion, providing a unique and engaging way to understand energy conversion.”

Students: Lizzy, Lilia, Sam, Toon

The Prism Room

Wearable Pride

The “Prism Room” showcases the hidden beauty of solar energy, particularly in sun rays. Our goal is to reveal all the different colours within sunlight, which are usually invisible to the naked eye. By splitting white sunlight into its component colours, a process known as light dispersion, we create a stunning visual effect. In our darkened room, the only light present passes through our carefully placed prisms. This setup ensures that the light you see inside is natural sunlight, separated into a vibrant spectrum. When you look inside the Prism Room, you are immersed in a beautiful rainbow, entirely formed by natural sunlight. This experience not only highlights the aesthetic appeal of solar energy but also emphasises the scientific principles behind it. Through the Prism Room, we aim to inspire a deeper appreciation for the complexity and potential of solar energy.

Students: Noes, Miguel, Zühal, Tim